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Welcome Soul Friend!

There is no doubt in your mind that something bigger than life is at play, calling you to change how you've lived your life thus far. Maybe your wake-up call comes through a dramatic shift in your intimate relationship or you're faced with massive change in your job and big decisions about how you now want to do groceries, ensure your kids' education, care for your health, or pivot your business.

You feel like your soul and your life are pulling you in different directions. You're here wondering wtf this is all about and wtf you're supposed to be doing with all this.

You crave insight about why you're here at this time in history. You wonder about your spiritual gifts, talents and life lessons. Your big, smart, imaginative brain is dreaming up all kinds of scenarios and you want to stop those anxious wheels from spinning so you feel that inner peace, joy and flow again. You're looking for guidance, inspiration and healing so you can feel internally aligned and then put on your Wonder Woman suit and save the world.

You're wondering, "how can I be spiritual, follow my soul's calling AND deal with all this stuff coming up now?"

I get it. That's the question I was asking myself when I worked for the government, before launching this adventure in psychic healing. I was so afraid that if I answered the call of my soul to develop my intuition, I would lose touch with the practicalities of life. What I've learned is that there is a way to be both spiritual AND very practical in everyday life. It doesn't have to be either/or -- it is BOTH / AND.

What I've learned is that the longer you delay your decision to follow your soul, the more spikes in anxiety you will feel. You will lose sleep at night because your mind just won't stop spinning. Worries seem to be larger than life and you feel overwhelmed with all the things you think need fixing.

I'm inviting you to drop the worries. When you tune in to the deep wisdom of your soul, these worries tend to naturally go away.

Nurture an unshakable confidence in who you are. Unlock your creativity. Become inspired to new levels of self-awareness and personal empowerment. Feel renewed in the realization that your life is a sacred journey in which you can reclaim your divine co-creative power.

Let's start by defining what a Mystic Priestess is all about in the context of this Healer Know Thyself community.

Mystic: /ˈmistik/


  1. a person who seeks by contemplation and self-surrender to obtain unity with or absorption into the Divine or the absolute, or who believes in the spiritual learning of truths that are beyond the intellect.

Priestess /ˈprēstis/


A woman regarded as a leader in her community, trained to perform sacred rites of healing and manifestation.

A woman acting as a bridge or channel of communication between the Divine and her community.

A woman holding sacred teachings and using her spiritual gifts to help her community.

The primary focus of our curriculum is self-knowledge, self-love and self-healing.

There are many paths and duties a priestess can choose. History has given us many choices: midwife, doula, environmental activist, holding sacred space in ceremony, Oracle, counsellor, political advisor... There are actually no limits to the sphere of influence one can shine, except the self-imposed limits coming from lack of confidence, lack of self-knowledge and lack of self-trust.

Our goal here is to bust those limitations & blocks so you can rise as the powerful person that you are and embody the changes you want to see in your community and the world.

The tools we use are the Akashic Records, guided self-reflection, energy healing, meditation and prayer (the path of the mystic) to uncover your inner Truth.

You will learn to (re)discover your wholeness by

  • choosing your path to the powerful initiations, coaching and training that your soul craves;
  • observing the cycles of the moon;
  • working with goddesses to unearth the nuggets of universal wisdom that feed your soul;
  • developing your intuition, and your trust in your own intuitive abilities;
  • applying lunar astrology and archetypal astrology to understand and plan your daily life and business;
  • mastering energy healing practices such as Reiki, Crystal Healing, Dowsing, Vibrational Alignment, Tarot for the Soul and more!
  • taking small steps every day that are aligned with your soul's plan;
  • understanding your chakra system;
  • surrounding yourself with peers on a similar journey of self-discovery and spiritual growth.

Every suggested tool - crystals, essential oils, Oracle Readings, ceremonies, circles, spells... is an enhancement of your inner work and does not replace your self-assertion and co-creative power.

Why I created this community

As a mom leaving my government management career to become an intuitive healer, I experienced first hand the fear and the judgments of others thinking it was crazy to leave a solid career with all the benefits. I experienced my own fear, wondering if this was really my best move. I didn't know what the future held for me, and I was afraid. I saw the same thing happening to my clients and I also saw it in my very own family.

It’s like each person has their own imagined life plan restricting every type of soul-nourishing decisions that deviates from that plan. Because we've made a decision when we were 15 years old about how life should look like when we're "old" at 30... and we don't reach that goal, we can be very hard on ourselves. Our self-confidence is profoundly shaken. We judge ourselves for not being good enough too "this" and not enough "that". Our imaginations and our thirst for more soul-nourishing experiences almost becomes an enemy, because it urges us to deviate from the logic plan. And our imagination starts spewing out worst-case scenario like there's no tomorrow (it certainly feels that way!)

I'm taking a stand for soul-fuelled life that sustains healthy, happy and abundant living.

I studied and learned and combined approaches and schools of thought and philosophies on whole mind-body-soul healing, mindset and energetic principles. I founded Mystic Priestess School to help women rediscover their power within while feeling grounded and anchored "in real life".

My methodology expertly uses one's imagination as the gateway to understand the symbolic language of the soul and effectively release the hidden programmings that are responsible for the blocks and restrictions we ALL keep ­bumping up against when we dare to create our best, soul-inspired life!

Let's get started on a wonderful soul journey together!

Isn't it time that you invested in proven intuitive healing skills that can transform your life forever? Isn't it time that you stopped *wishing* for a change and actually make it happen?

Listen to that inner nudge that it telling you that NOW IS YOUR TIME. Your time to awaken to your next level ascension. Your time to lead yourself in healing transformation. Your time to kick your fears to the curb and truly step into true empowerment.

There is a great Awakening and Ascension now all around this planet. Find your voice, find your strength, find your way to wholeness once again. Let's reconnect in a great love and soul reunion, and participate consciously in this spiritual (r)evolution.

Learn to access the ancient wisdom of your soul and the guidance of your own divine archetypes. Elevate your life, your relationships, your business in ways that truly nourish your whole being.

Let's get started. I'm waiting for you with open arms.

If you know you're ready to walk this liminal space with complete love, integrity and devotion; if you know you want to create real transformation in your life and the life of your clients; if you're ready to reclaim your ancient wisdom from many lifetimes as healer and activate them NOW -- join me in a beautiful journey with your Soul.

Choose your path and the amount of nurturing support you desire to activate your soul's wisdom, your healing, and your unshakable confidence.

Private initiations and mentoring with Jaz

Receive soulful, nurturing support that will help you embrace your inner goddess archetypes and live your life from this inner wisdom. You will discover your inner well of peace, vital energy and confidence!

I offer a variety of coaching & mentoring options to meet you where you are in your journey of self-discovery, healing and spiritual empowerment. Apply for private coaching HERE. Let's talk about your goals and what would be the next right step for you in making your goals a reality.


Self-paced programs

Explore the catalog of courses and check back often for new additions! These programs will take you on self-discovery journeys where you connect with your soul, your desires and the Divine. You will feel inspired to take new action in your life, relationships or career in accordance to your soul's plan. Jaz is available to offer guidance and support via the course's discussion forum. You are never alone on your journey even in self-paced programs!


Mentored Group Experiences

Join us in group experiences with live initiations and coaching. These group experiences are currently available online only, until such time as travel restrictions are lifted and we can meet in person in beautiful and holy spaces.

The advantage of the online group experiences is that you can study and practice at your own pace from your home, and check in with your peers via the nurturing online forum.

Find the next live online experience in the catalog of coursesThey are identified with a celestial dark blue background.
