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Ultimate Guide For Soulful Alignment & Manifestation
The importance of clarity and commitment
How to use this Master Class
Working with the moon and her cycles
Creating sacred space
Dedication Ceremony (10:47)
Download the PDF Playbook - Introduction
STEP 1: Get Clear!
New Moon Magic
This week's mission & list of supplies
Download the PDF Playbook - Week 1
1. Create a Manifestation Vibration
Permission to dream (3:58)
2. Your Perfect Day
You have the potential to create a life of your dreams (3:58)
3. Align your soul's compass
How do you want to FEEL? (6:14)
Soul's Compass Activity
Love Note from Jaz
4. Shove the Shoulds
"Shoulds" don't serve your highest good (3:57)
Love Note from Jaz
Shove The Shoulds - Activity
5. No more excuses!
Are your excuses a symptom of self-sabotage? (4:55)
Rephrasing Activity
Go deeper with this playbook
6. Choosing Aligned Intentions
This is the time to get real (6:32)
5 key questions
Rate your level of readiness!
7. Rejuvenate & celebrate!!
Time to relax. You've earned it!
Soulful Reflections
Moonlit Meditation
STEP 2: Invite magic in your life!
This week's mission & list of supplies
First Quarter Moon Magic
Download this week's PDF
8. Partner Up With Goddess
Write a letter of commitment
Meditation to activate your inner witchy goddess (11:32)
9. Vision Quest
Activate your power from your future self
10. Soul Retrieval Meditation
Healing the past
11. Connecting with your spirit team
Nature immersion
12. Create a Magic Mojo Pouch
Creativity + Intention = Magic
13. Ask for a message
Working with the Tarot
14. Self-care day!
Take a stand for YOU
Crystals & Essential Oils for self-care
STEP 3: Release what no longer serves
This week's mission & supplies
Full Moon Magic
Download the PDF Playbook - Week 3
15. Create Your Full Moon Ritual
5 Steps to Creating a Full Moon Ritual
Full Moon Reflections
16. Eliminate that which drains your energy
Do you really need to tolerate this?
A note on energy vampires
17. Clutter clear in your home or office
Physical clutter impacts your energy and mental clarity!
18. Clutter clear your emotions
Emotional clutter-clearing
Essential Oils for emotional management
19. A wind chime spell to clear your mind
Fresh air, fresh thoughts, improved mindset
20. Have the gremlins come out to play?
Have the gremlins come out to play? (23:02)
21. Nourish Your Soul
Reminder: you are more than your body!
Soul nourishing apple cider spell
STEP 4: Receive all the goodness available to you
Last Quarter Moon Magic
This week's mission & list of supplies
Download this week's PDF
22. Move It & Groove It
Release energy through your body
23. Keeping it Real
From "wishing" to "manifesting"
24. Create A Gratitude Attitude
These are a few of my favourite things...
25. Gracious Me!
Foster an attitude of receptivity
26. Celebrate your accomplishments
Celebrate YOU!
27. Create a finger labyrinth
Calm your brain and body with this meditation tool
28. You deserve it all!
Relax with a crystal bath
A quick guide to chakras, crystals & essential oils
Final Reflections
Wrapping up with these thoughts...
And what's next?
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Monthly guidance to live in alignment with Soul
Need more nurturing and support?
Calm your brain and body with this meditation tool
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