Ultimate Guide For Soulful Alignment & Manifestation
A 28-day Master Class to shift your energy, align your actions with your soul’s desires, and create your ideal life
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Bust the blahs, doubts & confusion into clarity & courage, so you can create the life, relationships and business you truly LOVE.
If you are like most of my clients looking for energy work, you likely feel:
- as though something in your life needs to shift. You might not know exactly what that something is, but you’re ready for change.
- that it's time to reconnect with your spiritual and magical side
- willing to carve out some time for YOU, every day.
- the need to be supported and guided to implement changes in your life.
- a longing to reconnect with the magic, wonder, ease and joy you knew earlier in life.
- willing to play and try something new.
- ready to infuse your everyday life with more consciousness and spirituality.
- that there must be an other way to create the life and business you know you want.
If that’s you, then you will love my 4-step process Reset Your Life in 28 Days Program. What I’m about to share with you will give you the steps to retake control of your mindset, your emotions, and your energy. You will reconnect with your inner guidance system to always know what is the next right action to take toward your goals and desires. You will find the ease, flow and magic in life.
I know life gets busy. There are a gazillion things to think about which get in the way of inner peace, calm and true connection with your divine self. I also know that when you take the time to rest and play, and you shift your priorities to what is best for you, you become rejuvenated which then allows you the energy to serve others.
In the past, I suffered from anxiety and a few panic attacks. I noticed that whenever I was putting everyone else’s needs before mine, I felt the worst about myself. It felt like I could never get ahead; I could never reach my goals. Every time I would set a goal, I would get side-swiped into other people’s needs and dramas.
I was done with having life happening “to” me.
I was done with the inner mean-bully dialogue and playing small consciousness.I chose to move forward, to reinvent my life on my terms, and to learn to receive and use all the divine help that was always available to me.
Once I learned to apply very simple energy techniques, I became happier, more present and more grounded. That’s exactly when the momentum, clarity and even the financial support began to flow into my life and business.
I believe that life is an adventure, and each one of us is the main character in the story of our soul.
I believe this with all my heart: when women own their power and worth we will heal the world.
You can choose to play the overwhelmed mamma or you can choose to embody sassiness.You can choose to forget your spiritual gifts or you can choose to reawaken to a life filled with potential, opportunities and magic that supports and nurtures your heart and soul.Each choice you make and every action you take writes the story of your life.
As you learn to trust and play with your Divine power by reconnecting with your needs and desires; valuing your gifts; releasing what no longer serves you; and having fun receiving all the goodness available to you, you will transform your life, and the life of those around you.
This Master Class is designed with activities to help you write the next chapter of your life. You will learn to reconnect with your heart centre and reset your energy buttons. You will gain strength and confidence in yourself and in the direction in which you choose to take your life.
This Master Class is not designed to merely give you more information and knowledge - even though you will learn plenty along the way! Your challenge as you play along is to become more present in your own life. It includes:
- 28 daily emails with prompts for the day's spiritual mission
- 28 mini-lessons
- instructions on how to work with specific crystals
- rituals to connect with the moon, the goddess, and your higher self
- meditations
- suggestions for essential oils and incense that will support your journey, every day
- specific spells to call in your desires
- journal prompts
- a printable playbook
- a list of magical supplies & accessories
- guidance to change your mindset and energy in one lunar month
Your Instructor
~Kathleen Wright
- Penny
Frequently Asked Questions
The importance of clarity and commitment
When you search for answers outside of you, you receive back what others think and believe. You become confused in a maze of “what should I do?” There is no sure footing underneath you, no sense of direction that feel right.You might start to think that the world is against you.
But when you search for answers within, you make a path for the mysteries of the Universe to support you in your highest of goodness. Your heart and mind open up to all ever was, all that is, and all that is possible to be. You become confident and radiant. You become secure in the heart-felt knowledge that truly, all is well.
This path is a sacred journey.It involves crafting a sacred practice of taking a few minutes to set intentions, show gratitude, define goals, and list out divinely aligned action. Everyday. Especially when it feels too hard or there isn’t enough time.
When you learn to nourish your heart and soul through daily spiritual practice, you can direct your life experience to its most joyful and exalted possibility. You can realign yourself to the energies of flow, harmony and wellbeing.You can return to a state of grace, unconditional love and abundance.
In this Master Class, you will learn to awaken your conscious thoughts and emotions to your heart’s desires. You will learn to make choices that are in alignment with your heart. You will be guided in specific actions that will enhance your connection with Life-Force energy. The result? You will feel lighter, more joyful and more connected.
Please don't just read about the activities; this keeps the information at the mental level and won't do much for you. The path of the Priestess is one of EMBODIMENT -- which means you have to DO. You have to take action; not just think or pray or meditate. You are called to BE the change.